I was responsible for redesigning the user experience based on feedback from 100+ users through social listening, surveys, and contextual interviews.
Lead Designer
The app originally started out as a content project, where we recommended different under the radar destinations to the users. At the moment, the app also allows users to request custom itinerary for a nominal fee.
Various animations were incorporated in the recent iteration of the design to create a sense of movement through motion. You can see the example of some of the motion graphics here.
Burdie.co is a dynamic travel service that provides travelers all over the world with curated information about popular and under-the-radar destinations. We believe in spontaneity. We thrive in the unknown. Pick a place, buy a ticket, book one night, GO. Don’t think so much.That’s why Burdie presents you only the most essential information about your destination in one place.
The cost of Google search advertisements rose by 27% year-over-year from 2021 to 2023, prompting our growth team to reevaluate and update our lead generation strategy.