Hasin is a globally-minded multidisciplinary creative technologist & educator based in New York City 🗽.

Drop me a line at hello@hasinahmed.org

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Wander through the various lines and lengths of shapes in abstract spaces on your screen in a randomized order of events.

The Anticipation of Discovery

In a world where immediacy is king, the pixel-by-pixel revelation of an image is a refreshing exercise in patience. This technique captivates audiences, inviting them to savor the slow materialization of a photograph. Each pixel adds depth and clarity, building anticipation as the full picture gradually comes into view.

A Tapestry of Pixels

The random revelation of pixels is like watching a painter stroke by stroke, creating a masterpiece. It’s a reminder of the complexity behind digital images, where each pixel is a vital thread in the intricate tapestry of visual storytelling. This method celebrates the minutiae, turning the act of viewing into an interactive experience.

Color Palette Inspiration

The color palette of the South African flag is a vibrant tapestry that embodies the nation’s journey towards unity and diversity, with each hue symbolizing elements of its rich cultural and natural heritage. The deep greens represent the fertility of the land, the bold blacks reflect the strength of the people, the bright yellows signify the country’s mineral wealth, the intense reds recall the sacrifices made for freedom, and the expansive blues symbolize the limitless possibilities of the South African sky.

Spontaneous Creation

In the digital canvas, each pixel is a conduit of potential, waiting to be awakened by a random spark. The process of rendering an animated sequence pixel by pixel, without premeditation, is a celebration of the unexpected. It’s a creative journey where the destination is unknown until each random choice brings it into being.

Intuitive Design

This method is not just about creating art—it’s about letting art create itself. By relinquishing control and allowing randomness to lead, each pixel finds its place in a symphony of serendipity. The result is a captivating display of animated randomness, a visual testament to the power of instinctual artistry.

Color Palette Inspiration

The color palette of the Rwandan flag draws inspiration from the nation’s commitment to peace, unity, and progress, with hues that reflect its beautiful landscapes and hopeful spirit. The vibrant blues, sunny yellows, and lush greens symbolize Rwanda’s sky, economic growth, and agricultural richness, respectively

Animating Emotions

Text animation transcends static words, infusing them with life and emotion. It’s a medium that allows text to dance, highlight, and resonate, creating a powerful connection with the audience, even with simple letters.

Creative Evolution

The journey of text animation is one of constant discovery and innovation. Each project is a new adventure, pushing the limits of digital artistry and bringing ideas to vibrant life.

The Joy of Animated Storytelling

At the heart of text animation lies the joy of creation. It’s the thrill of transforming concepts into animated narratives that makes this art form an essential aspect of my creative expression.

Origins of CRT TV Color Bars

The color bars we see on CRT TVs originated from a test pattern created by Norbert D. Larky and David D. Holmes of RCA Laboratories. First published in 1951, this pattern was designed to calibrate and adjust color televisions to ensure accurate color reproduction.

Evolution of the Standard

Over time, the original test pattern evolved into the SMPTE color bars, a more complex standard introduced by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). This became a key tool for video engineers to assess how an NTSC video signal has been altered by recording or transmission and to make necessary adjustments.

Modern Relevance

Despite their analog origins, color bars remain relevant in the digital age. They are used to maintain accurate chroma and luminance levels not just in CRT displays but also in modern LCD, LED, plasma, and other video displays. The color bars have been adapted to test HDTV signals as well, proving their enduring utility in the television industry

Shapes of Expression

In the digital realm, shapes take on new meanings. Circles, triangles, and squares become storytellers, each narrating a unique tale of artistic expression.

Lines of Connection

Lines are the silent narrators of digital art, connecting shapes and forming patterns that captivate and intrigue, offering a fresh narrative with every view.

The Dance of Randomness

Abstract digital art thrives on unpredictability. Each random sequence invites viewers to explore a world where change is the only constant and creativity knows no bounds.